Michigan Landscape Architecture Firm Finder .:. Michigan ASLA
R.D. Leszczynski, Inc. White Lake, MI 48386. Phone: (248) 698-3231. Fax: (248) 698-3231. RJM Design Inc Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Phone: (616) 336-6071 .
Joe Taylor Park Planning - City of Grand Rapids
The City of Grand Rapids, Southwest Area Neighbors (SWAN),. Friends of Grand Rapids Parks, and RJM Design invite you to participate in a design charrette to .
RJM Design Inc. | LinkedIn
Welcome to the company profile of RJM Design Inc. on LinkedIn. RJM Design is . 80 Ottawa Ave NW Suite 410 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 United States .

LiveWall®, the Planted Wall System Designed in Harmony with ...
Aug 22, 2012 . As part of the four years of R&D we devoted to LiveWall design, we tested . senior landscape architect, RJM Design, Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich.

RJM Design, Lanscape Architecture Services, Michigan | Firm Profile
RJM Design is dedicated to providing exceptional landscape architectural services. that are creative, appropriate, and developed with an attitude of teamwork.
City Parks Charettes - City of Grand Rapids
Feb 4, 2012 . The City of Grand Rapids has teamed up with, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks, RJM Design and area neighborhood associations to invite you .