Subsistence as an Economic System in Alaska: Theoretical and ...
The purpose of this paper is to provide better definition of subsistence use. _ . in Alaska by drawing upon research findings in economic anthropology. Findings .
Definition of subsistence economy | Collins English Dictionary
Definition of subsistence economy . subsistence economy (s?b?s?st?ns ??k?n?m?) . "So we are speaking really of a subsistence economy , I asked.
Subsistence economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A subsistence economy is an economy which refers simply to the gathering or . Capital can be generally defined as assets invested with the expectation that .

Subsistence economy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam ...
Nov 26, 2011 . subsistence economy. About Our Definitions: All forms of a word (noun, verb, etc.) are now displayed on one page.

Subsistence Hunting in a Global Economy - Arctic Circle
Subsistence Hunting in a Global Economy. Contributions of Northern Wildlife . The informal sector is, by definition, difficult to measure. Generally based on .
Subsistence in coastal fisheries policy: What's in a word?
the subsistence level.4. The next definition, similarly characterizing subsistence in economic terms, emphasizes not how much production takes place within an .