Order of Sale
2 Cottage Clocks New Haven & Seth Thomas - 37.50. 25. 25. . Seth Thomas Parlor #5 Calendar Clock - $ 467.50. 71 . Seth Thomas Parlor Calendar Clock - $ 935 . 186. New Haven Figural Gold Wash Novelty Clock - $ 154. 187. 187.
Members' Links
Service, repair and Restoration of vintage and antique clocks. Chelsea and Seth Thomas Military Clock Specialists. Ithaca Calendar Clock, Michael a Porter, NY, .
Fontaine's Auction Gallery Terms and Conditions
Antique Clock Auction, June 2nd, 2012. Lot prices as provided .

Calendar Clocks & Wall Regulators - Cottone Auctions
Calendar Clocks & Wall Regulators · Shelf Clocks & Banjo .
Chapter 69 Library Book List - NAWCC - Orange County Chapter 69
Chapter 69 Library Book List.
Past Items - Cowan's Auctions
Price Realized - 2007, Clock & Watch Auction, April 12th .