Physics project egg drop 35 feet survives - YouTube
Apr 3, 2009 . This is my friends project. Requirements . Physics project egg drop 35 feet survives . i can only use, tin foil, straws, toothpicks, and paper cups .
Need egg drop project ideas - Physics Forums
Need egg drop project ideas Introductory Physics discussion. . down (my thinking here is the straws would provide cushioning for the egg with .
Egg Drop 2008 BVHS: Making the Contraption ( Suspension ...
Dec 9, 2008 . Material A box Pencils or Straws A Sweatband Rubber Bands . Physics Project. by farasdf27,494 views · Egg drop experiment, trial 3:07 .

Super Cool Egg Drop Project - YouTube
Nov 13, 2011. the sound/ video delay. Physics Project made with straw, paper, and tape. . Dropped 7 foot and the egg didn't break! Everything was a dollar .

How to Design an Egg Drop Experiment Using Straws | eHow.co.uk
How to Design an Egg Drop Experiment Using Straws. An egg drop challenge tests the skills of engineering and physics students. Students are allowed plastic .
Successful Egg Drop Ideas | eHow.com
Egg drop projects teach students to use logic and teamwork to protect their . Another way to use straws is to design a framework that suspends the egg . The egg drop experiment is commonly used in physics classes to teach about free fall .