Were the Kennedys naive and reckless? : Happier Abroad
He did seem very naive though, to think that he could go against the CIA, Federal Reserve and military industrial complex and get away with it.
phpBB View topic - [DEV] "Like" Mod
Completely separate from facebook, and uses phpbb username to LIKE threads. . Shows list of users who like the thread in the font color associated with their group. . digioz: Registered User: Posts: 266: Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2004 9:20 pm: Location: Chicago, IL: Name: . @naive - Glad you like the mod.
SMF :: View topic - Imperial Leather soap
It was also one that I naively believed wouldn't. I still like the scent however and sometimes buy it for use as a hand soap ( about $2.50 or so a .

RebKell's Junkie Boards :: View topic - all time olympic scoring ...
If the content above can possibly be interpreted as racist, sexist, homophobic, or naive, let me clear that up. It's naive.

Snowboarding Jackets: Latest, snowHeads ski forum
. and have done me well in <-10 degrees for hours, so I am hoping this 'system' will work. Will it, or am I being naive and setting myself up for a cold, wet time?
bigcoupe.com :: View topic - Steering vibration; something to add
I guess I'm naive enough to have thought that modern brake rotors shouldn't have uneven weight distribution, even if they're cross-drilled.