Hope for Wildlife - Stuart Arnett Wildlife Conservation Artist
Wildlife Rehabilitation - The Hope for Wildlife Society specializes in the rehabilitation and release of injured and orphaned wildlife in Nova Scotia. Currently the .
Maritime Animal Rescue
Hope for Wildlife Society Website. Kentville SPCA Kentville, NS Tel: (902) 582- 2287. Labrador Rescue Nova Scotia Patricia Pittman Tel: (902) 883-4799 .
All Corners Wildlife Rehabilitation
squirrel, wildlife rehabilitation. . five calls a week and I am not kidding, from as far as Nova Scotia that I myself wonder what they are googling to get my site.

Nova Scotia Wildlife Rehabilitation - Humane Society
Jun 20, 2011 . Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. RR1 Brookfield NS B0N 1C0 902-893- 0253 http://cwrc.net/. Hope for Wildlife Society. 5909 Hwy 207 .

Hope for Wildlife - | Seacoasttrail, Eastern Shore Nova Scotia ...
The Society holds both provincial and federal permits for the rehabilitation and release of native Nova Scotia wildlife, including the only licences in the province .
Hope for Wildlife Society
The Hope for Wildlife Society is a wildlife rehabilitation and education organization based in Seaforth, Nova Scotia. The Society provides rehabilitation and .