selfhelp: Family Support - Michigan Courts - State of Michigan
The laws of Michigan do not allow the employees of the court or the judge to . If you proceed with a family support case without an attorney, you are acting as .
Issues in Change of Domicile in Michigan - General Family Law ...
This is something that should be discussed on a case by case basis. At Family Law of Michigan, we are prepared to answer your questions and evaluate .
Michigan Online Legal Self-Help Center: Family Law
Introduction to Family Law Topics. Family Law Self-Help page. . such as: family support, Friend of the Court Bureau, and the Michigan Child Support Formula. . legal services for low-income persons and seniors in civil (non-criminal) cases.

Case Type Codes - Michigan Courts - State of Michigan
instead of proceeding in the family division of the circuit court. (4) Civil . investment law, motor vehicle dealer agreements, and the Motor Fuel. Distribution Act.

Macomb County, Michigan: Circuit Court: departments
"Circuit Court Case Evaluation" is an alternative dispute resolution process . The Law Library also has sections on probate law, family law, commercial law, .
Michigan Family Law
Aug 16, 2010 . Michigan Family Law. . In every case, The Law Offices of Stelmock & Associates, PLLC first attempts to bring about a quick, civilized, fair and .
selfhelp: Paternity - Michigan Courts - State of Michigan
The laws of Michigan do not allow the employees of the court or the judge to . Family Support Act and see details about filing a family support case instead >>.