Sweet Home Chicago: The History of Chicago's Candy-Making ...
From Fannie May to Brach's Candies, Tootsie Rolls, Frango Mints, Lemonheads and more, Chicago has a tasty history of making candy loved the world over.
Candy Land: The History of Candy Making in Cambridge, MA ...
The tour begins in Kendall Square, and with the high-tech firms and pharmaceutical companies that now dominate the landscape, I know it's hard to image that .
Science of Candy: Links | Exploratorium
An online version of an 1890's Candy Making Book, complete with . http://www. candyusa.org/History/timeline.shtml; The PEZ .

Candy Land: The History of Candy Making in Cambridge, MA ...
And in some ways, candy and ice cream are connected. Ice cream actually has a deep local history. Bostonian Frederic Tudor, known as the Ice King, helped to .

How to Make Candy candy making history, basics, secrets, and ...
Learn how to make delicious homemade candy and chocolate all resources in one place!
History of Candy
May 26, 2010 . History of Candy . Although candy-making machines were invented in the late 1700's, confectionary manufacture on a large scale did not .
Candy: The Sweet History: Beth Kimmerle: 9781888054835 ...
Beth has been a featured candy-making instructor and lecturer at The Chicago History Museum, Princeton University, University of Chicago, and the New York .