Dutko Grayling
. Government Relations, Investor Relations and Events Management-- with offices... . Dutko Grayling is a multidisciplinary, global government affairs, public relations and . As Steve Jobs ascends to Chairman of Apple, all the world
Sometimes I need to remind myself
Apr 23, 2007 . This is a business expense, not a charitable contribution. . the three Men in Black, Will McKinley of Dutko Poole McKinley, Jim Daughton, . by right if MS Office 2k7 was supposed to drive the adoption of MS Windows Vista, .
The Stacy Ritter Corruption Compendium - Broward/Palm Beach ...
Feb 2, 2009 . Yet, Klenet served on the firm -- Tallahassee-based Dutko, Poole, McKinley -- as . and his new firm, Dutko Poole McKinley, was representing ES&S at the time. . The Broward State Attorney's Office investigated all of the above allegations . Even after the company was shut down by the SEC for ripping off .

Division of Finance - Florida International University
Office of Financial Planning & Strategic Development · Office of the Controller . RFP89-004, Recycling Services for Multiple Campuses/Locations, World Waste . RFP78-005, Local Government Relations Consultant, Dutko Poole McKinley .

Al Lawson For Congress 2010 - Money, Politics, Committees ...
Al Lawson For Congress 2010 - Money, Politics, Committees, .
Mitt Romney-Florida Organization
Moved to Florida from North Carolina in 1998 with The St. Joe Company and worked for the . 1, 2007) An attorney, McVay leaves Governor Bush's office as Executive Director of the . Poole is Managing Principal with Dutko Poole McKinley.